<FF> = Free Repeater #
EDW: <W>: <ccc> <ppppppp>
<W> = which of the two blocks (0 or 1) in the msg
pair this is <ccc> = command value. Represents a
variable # of bits from the received data (since
commands are variable length)
<payload> = remainder of msg, after removing the
<ccc> command value
EDN: <W>: <ccc> <ppppppp>
<W> = which of the two blocks (0 or 1) in the msg
pair this is
<ccc> = command value. Represents a variable # of
bits from the received data (since commands are
variable length)
<ppppppp> = remainder of msg, after removing the
<ccc> command value
WXS: <SAME Message> One code at a time
WXT: "1050Hz Detect"
<decoded description> = If present, how the radio SW
interpreted the msg.
User Manual
Page 122