Initialisation by switching on
Safety function - motors off
Installing the propellers
Gyro initializing in the receiver
After switching on the Copter, the gyro is already active but not
yet initialized. To initialize it, hold the Copter still after switch-
ing on. The calibration will be done only when the regeiver is
completely still.
After 3 seconds in still position you will hear beeps emitted
by all motors. The signal tone can variate depending on the
esc model. The beeps will stop when the calibration and ini-
tialization is complete. Wait until the initialization is complete
before you start the model! The motors will not start until the
calibration is complete.
First use
The receiver is optimally set for Race Copter Alpha 250Q. If
you want to change however some settings, follows the in-
structions content in the receiver manual. (Download at
Select the flight mode as previously mentioned by the trans-
mitter. This procedure is described in the receiver manual in
the section “Transmitter settings“.
Install the propellers as shown in the picture below. Pay atten-
tion to install the proper propeller to each motor. The propeller
rotation sense is written on the propeller (R/L). Picture shows
copter from top view.
1 = Motor clockwise
2 = Motor counter-clockwise
4 = Motor counter-clockwise
3 = Motor clockwise
Choose a wide area for your first flight. We suggest to select
first the flight mode, because the Copter is thus easier to con-
trol and to become familiar with the flight characteristics of
Copter. Proceed carefully and responsibly.