The antenna is fixed with adhesive tape as possible in the coamings of construction. This must always be above the
water line, since the antenna otherwise has no or poor reception. Hook the tenders on construction. TIP: For all subse-
quent work, you should place the model on the boatstand
Drag to place the structure carefully to top off the batteries . Now you can remove the build up carefully. Solder the
motors to a plug. Please act according to the wiring diagram on page 17. Pay attention to the direction of rotation of
the motors when the battery is connected, the propellers should rotate so that the model would move forward. NOTE:
In order to solder the connector easier, it is recommended that you use one of the following tips. TIP 1: With a so-
called third hand you can solder directly in the model the plug.
Installation step 5 (maintenance)
Clean the model after each use. Remove any water seepage. If water has penetrated into the RC components,
dry them out and send the RC components, a control to the appropriate Graupner / SJ service
Clean the model and the transmitter using suitable cleaning agents. Suitable is a lint-free cloth. Never use
chemical cleaners, solvents, benzene, alcohol or the like.
Lubricate the drive shaft to the end of the operation with a small drop of oil on the bearings from. Also,
the outer shaft bearings must be lubricated at the propellers. Use to lubricate the drive only oil that does
not endanger or contaminated (eg Order No. 206) the water. After the end of the driving season, the shaft
should be disassembled and re-lubricated with water neutral grease (Order No. 570).
Maiden voyage
Charge the batteries and test the functions of the model. Secure all cover so that they can not fall down and so that no
water can penetrate into the model. Now you can maiden voyage.
Slow start during the maiden voyage; familiarize yourself first with the driving behavior of the model familiar. Test the
steering, braking distance, and the range.
If the model begins „bounce“ to change the position of the drive until the model is running smoothly again, or move the
battery forward.
Have fun with your model Arligh Burke Order No .: 21014
- High-performance grease Order No. 570
- High performance oil Order No. 206,