Zodiak Installation and Service Manual
Video Processor Frame Maintenance
Control Processor SBC Submodule Replacement
The SBC1000 is compatible with Zodiak software version 2.2 or later.
Control Processors shipped from the factory with the SBC1000 submodule
already installed will have a part number ending in -02 and above. The sub-
module replacement procedure is for Control Processors with part
numbers ending in -00 and -01. The part number on the Control Processor
is located behind the LED banks on the right edge of the module when it is
seated in the frame. The number is hard to see without unseating the
Submodule Identification
will help you verify which submodule is currently installed on
your Control Processor. Original submodules are not labeled, but can be
identified without removing the module from the frame by locating the
yellow or orange capacitors mounted on the underside of the submodule.
SBC1000 submodules are labeled as illustrated on the right of the figure,
and can be identified by removing the Video Processor frame Control
Module. The module can be removed and reinstalled with the frame
powered up.
If a SBC submodule replacement is needed, contact Customer Service for
FMN 075-0689-00.
Figure 102. Control Processor Identification
Processor Frame
Control Module
Processor Frame
Control Module
(Slot 1)
Yellow or Orange Capacitors
Only on Early Processor
Part Number and
Labeling Only on
SBC 1000 Processor