STORM 3G ELITE ― Setup Guide
Storing Device Presets
REF Signal Output
Select a format to output the REF signals
from "BB NTSC", "BB PAL", "Tri-Level
1080/59.94i", "Tri-Level 1080/50i", "Tri-Level
1080/23.98PsF", and "Tri-Level 1080/24PsF".
When "BB NTSC" or "BB PAL" is selected, the
"Ref Out SD" indicator on the front panel of
STORM 3G Elite lights, and when "Tri-Level
1080/50i", "Tri-Level 1080/23.98PsF", or "Tri-
Level 1080/24PsF" is selected, the "Ref Out
HD" indicator on the front panel of STORM
3G Elite lights.
Restore the default settings.
Video Output Settings
The settings of a monitor output device used for