New topics
This section contains new or modified topics associated with this release of software.
Disabling User Account Control on Windows 7 clients
You need to disable the User Account Control on Windows 7 in order to configure
Tools | Options
settings in Aurora Playout.
1. Go to
Start | Control Panel | User Accounts
2. Click on the
Change User Account Control settings
3. Drag the slider bar to the lowest value that shows
Never notify
4. Click
5. Restart your computer for the change to take effect.
Searching for MOS Objects within ENPS
Once a feed has been added to the system, it immediately becomes a searchable MOS
object within ENPS. Grass Valley feeds will then be found within an ENPS search.
1. Set the search filter in ENPS to include Grass Valley video elements.
2. Enter keywords to be searched in the search box.
3. Click
and search results will be displayed.
4. The video feed may be double-clicked in order to launch a proxy preview window
with access to metadata and keyword notations.
18 October 2010
Aurora Playout Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions