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The User’s Manual suggests using the provided X- Y Calibration Sheet for adjustments.
To increase accuracy, it also suggests using the current job to perform the calibration
Turn on the Power for the CE7000 Cutter.
- Open iMark software,
- Feed a printed job into the cutter and align it with the first registration mark.
(closest to leading edge) going into the cutter first.
- Check camera in software to position first marker in the middle of the screen.
- Position the right roller accordingly and bring rollers down to help hold.
- Using this sheet position, align the feeder and side alignment guides
After aligning the feeder remove the sheet and place on feeder.
- Adjust rear media guide
- Position blower fans
- Initialize cutter
- Open cut job
Enter first marker value
- Perform a cut test to start calibration allowing cutter to make at least 2 cuts.
- Pause the cutter
( press PAUSE button on cutter)
- Clear the job on the control panel
Unload the sheet,
- Check the cutting results
- Using calibration sheet as reference, adjust X/Y position.
- Adjust force if necessary
- Load the sheet again and retry until calibrated.
Once calibrated you are ready to proceed with your loaded job.
Refer to the User’s Manual for further explanation if needed
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