Administration Guide
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Ring Timeout
Defines the timeout (in seconds) for the rings on no answer. The default
setting is 60 seconds.
Send Anonymous
If set to "Yes", the "From" header in outgoing INVITE messages will be set to
anonymous, essentially blocking the Caller ID to be displayed.
Anonymous Call
If set to "Yes", anonymous calls will be rejected. The default setting is "No".
Auto Answer
If set to "Yes", the phone will automatically turn on the speaker phone to
answer incoming calls after a short reminding beep.
Allow Auto Answer by
If set to "Yes", the phone will automatically turn on the speaker phone to
answer incoming calls after a short reminding beep, based on the SIP info
header sent from the server/proxy. The default setting is "No".
Custom Call-Info for
Auto Answer
Used in addition to match the contents of the info parameter in the Call-Info
header for auto answer.
Refer-To Use Target
If set to "Yes", the "Refer-To" header uses the transferred target's Contact
header information for attended transfer. The default setting is "No".
Transfer on Conference
Defines whether or not the call is transferred to the other party if the initiator of
the conference hangs up. The default setting is"No".
No Key Entry
Defines the timeout (in seconds) for no key entry. If no key is pressed after the
timeout, the digits will be sent out. The default value is 4 seconds.
Use # as Dial Key
Allows users to configure the "#" key as the "Send" key. If set to "Yes", the "#"
key will immediately dial out the input digits. In this case, this key is
essentially equivalent to the "Send" key. If set to "No", the "#" key is included
as part of the dialing string.
DND Call Feature On
Defines the feature code to turn on DND.
DND Call Feature Off
Defines the feature code to turn off DND.
Settings -> General Settings
Local RTP Port
This parameter defines the local RTP port used to listen and transmit. It is the
base RTP port for channel 0. When configured, channel 0 will use this port
_value for RTP; channel 1 will use por2 for RTP. Local RTP port
ranges from 1024 to 65400 and must be even. The default value is 5004.
Use Random Port
When set to "Yes", this parameter will force random generation of both the
local SIP and RTP ports. This is usually necessary when multiple phones are
behind the same full cone NAT. The default setting is "Yes" (This parameter
must be set to "No" for Direct IP Calling to work).
Keep-alive Interval
Specifies how often the phone sends a blank UDP packet to the SIP server in
order to keep the "ping hole" on the NAT router to open. The default setting is
20 seconds.
The NAT IP address used in SIP/SDP messages. This field is blank at the
default settings. It should ONLY be used if it's required by your ITSP.
STUN Server
The IP address or Domain name of the STUN server. STUN resolution results
are displayed in the STATUS page of the Web GUI. Only non-symmetric NAT
routers work with STUN.
Public Mode
Configures to turn on/off public mode for hot desking feature on the phone. If
set to "Yes", users would need fill in the SIP Server address for account 1 as
well. Then reboot the phone. When the phone boots up, users will require
entering SIP User ID and Password on the LCD to login and use the phone.