Note: If the anchorage bottom is muddy, please rinse the chain as it come up by attaching the water
hose with the nozzle to the after water outlet. Turn on the cold water and rinse the chain while
removing any debris as it comes up.
A SPARE ANCHOR is stowed in the aft lazarette with a spare chain and anchor rode. Attach the rode
securely to the chain shackle before using. There is 25 feet of chain and 175 feet of nylon line.
Mooring Cans
The State Park Sticker on your vessel allows you to pick up the MOORING CANS in the parks for free.
You only need to register at the kiosk usually located at the heads of the docks. Mooring cans have a metal
triangle at the top upon which is a metal ring. The metal ring is attached to the chain which secures your
boat. IT IS VERY HEAVY. The strongest member of your crew should be picked for this job.
Come up to the CAN into the wind as you would for anchoring. Have crew members on the bow, one with a
boat hook and one with a mooring line secured like a bow line. As you are coming slowly up to the can
have the crew holding the boat hook point at the can with the hook so the skipper always knows where it is.
Hook the can and bring the ring up to the boat to allow the second crew to thread the ring with the line.
Release the hold with the boat hook. If your mooring line is led out the starboard chock bring the end of the
line back through the port side. You will essentially create a bridle with about 10 feet of slack from the
chalk to the can. The boat hook can be found in the lazarette.