VIC429-INS-LAB-RevA21 14
Figure 3.4-3
Figure 3.4-4
Figure 3.4-5
3.4.3 Reclining the Chair Back
Squeeze the green recline lever (Fig. 3.4-3)
and push back on the back section until the
desired position is obtained. Position can vary
from upright to -10° Trendelendurg position.
Info: There is a degree indicator, circled in
red in Fig. 3.4-5, located on the lower back
section on the side of the chair.
3.4.4 Returning the Chair Back to Upright
To return the back to upright position,
squeeze the recline lever and lift up on the
back section (Fig. 3.4-4).
3.4.5 Trendelenburg Position
The VIC back has a Trendelenburg range of
0° (horizontal position, shown in Fig. 3.4-5) to
-10° (Trendelenburg position).
To activate Trendelenburg position from any
other position, depress the green recline lever
shown in Fig 3.4-3. Allow the back to lower into
the desired degree of Trendelenburg position.
To return the back to upright position,
squeeze the recline lever, lift up on the back
section (Fig. 3.4-4), and allow the back section
to rise into the desired angle up to 90° (upright