Golden5 paramotor appendix
After using all sizes of the Golden5 for a whole season, the Gradient Team reached the
conclusion that the wing is a very good first choice multipurpose glider. Thus we went for
French certification “ULM paramotor Class 1” in sizes 24 and 26.
If you plan to use the Golden5 for paramotoring, please read the following appendix
carefully. If anything is not clear, or you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to
contact Gradient directly or your local dealer. We will be happy to help.
If your paramotor has low hangpoints (that is, the distance from the seatboard to the
main karabiners is similar to that of a freeflight harness) then you don’t need to make any
changes or adjustments to your Golden5 before using it for paramotor flight.
However, if your paramotor has high hangpoints then you will need to adjust the length
of the brakelines. To make them longer increase both brakelines evenly, by a couple of
centimetres at a time, until you reach a length that fits your set-up. If in doubt, ask a
Gradient dealer to help.
For high hangpoint paramotors we also recommend using shorter paramotor risers, or
special multipurpose risers with two different hangpoints. These make for easier take-off
and handling and, as an added advantage, also have trimmers (see Fig 1).
Fig 2: Hooking of the trimmers for free
Fig 1: Golden5 multipurpose risers.