- recovery: Under normal circumstances Avax XC2 is capable of recovering from
a negative spin automatically when brakes are released.
Caution: In general when there is a very fast or a long-lasting rotation and when
the brakes are released too quickly, the canopy may shoot in front of the pilot
followed by a massive asymmetrical collapse.
In all regimes where the air flow is separated there is
always a rapid increase in sink rate and therefore a
substantial loss of altitude.
And remember: A wrong manoeuvre at the wrong time may change
a fairly easy situation into a dangerous problem and furthermore you are
exposing your glider to forces which may damage it. So practise your
pilot abilities for these special flight regimes only under the supervision of
your instructor and with a reserve parachute!
If you handle your glider with care and store it in a suitable place it can last you a
very long time. On the other hand neglecting maintenance, bad storage and the
use of unsuitable cleaning products can reduce the lifetime of your glider
significantly or may even make a dangerous subject of it.
You must keep to these rules:
Choose a suitable area for your launches. Lines caught on roots or rocks lead to
unnecessary strain on the attachment tabs during inflation. Snagging lines may
rip the canopy tissue or damage lines.
When landing, never let the canopy fall on its leading edge in front of the pilot.
The effect of these forceful collisions and the sudden pressure increase can
severely damage the air resistant coating of the canopy as well as weakening
the ribs and seams.
Protect the canopy from unnecessary strain. Inconsiderate handling of your
glider, namely pulling it over grass, soil, sand or rocks, will significantly reduce
its lifetime and increase its air-porosity.