Display contrast
The display contrast can be adjusted to optimize the display for various viewing angles. The
Display contrast settings can be adjusted by pushing the DATA knob once and then turning the DATA knob until
the desired contrast is achieved. Pushing the DATA knob again saves the setting.
Back light control
The LCD display back light illumination can be turned off if desired.
Input Select
48v 48v 48v 48 v 48v 48v 48v
The input select page of the setup menu is used to configure the input routing and configuration for each chan-
nel. The available options depend on the preamp’s hardware configuration. Turning the DATA knob selects a
channel and pushing the DATA knob toggles the selected channel between the two input options. Note that
when a channel’s setting is changed, the mic power on that channel will be turned off and must be turned on
from the channel mode screen.
aboUt ribbon Mic MoDe
For the standard microphone preamp channel, the available options are 48V and Rbbn (which denotes ribbon
mic mode). Both of these modes use the 3 pin XLR microphone input and function identically except for the
following features when ribbon mode is active:
1. The gain is increased by 10dB, effectively shifting the available gain range from -7.1dB – 63.0dB
to 2.9dB – 73.0dB. This new gain is reflected on the user interface. “Rbbn” is also displayed on
the corresponding channel’s status column.
2. +48V Phantom Power is disabled and locked-out.
3. The phantom power decoupling caps are bypassed, direct coupling the microphone to the pre-
amp and minimizing components in the signal path.
NOTE: This bypass function engages only
after the decoupling caps have discharged to a low voltage level. Thus if phantom power was previ-
ously on, the bypassing will not be instantaneous. It should also be noted that no ribbon microphone
should be connected until these caps have completely discharged.
If an optional 130V DPA preamplifier card is installed, the input selection will choose which physical connector
is routed to the preamplifier. The options are: 48V (3 pin XLR) and 130V (4 pin XLR).
Note: Ribbon mic mode is
unavailable on any channel that has the 130V option installed.
GroUp MoDe
The Group mode allows two to eight adjacent channels to be grouped together for gain change operations,
which can be very convenient when using stereo pairs or groups of microphones on one instrument. To enter
group mode, push the GROUP pushbutton. The words “Group Mode Active” will appear just below the gain sta-
tus characters. To define a group, place the cursor on the left most channel of the channels to be grouped and
turn the DATA knob clockwise while pressing the GROUP pushbutton. You will notice that the vertical dividing
lines between channels disappear as channels are added to a group (see figure 5 below).
Once in Group mode, gain changes are made in the same manner as in normal Channel select mode. To remove
a group, place the cursor on the right most channel of the channels in the group and turn the DATA knob coun-
ter clockwise while holding the GROUP pushbutton. You will notice that the vertical dividing lines between
channels reappear as channels are removed from a group.
Note: Groups are limited to adjacent channels only and groups cannot span between preamplifier units. Also, only gain can be