page 6
controls and experiment a lot with them to find what works
Need to rock a wee bit harder? This knob will let that happen.
It sets the amount your signal is boosted when you activate
the ‘BOOST’ footswitch. Fully counter-clockwise is zero boost
added, fully clockwise adds +10dB of boost. The boost is after
the FX loop and affects both the DI and line outputs.
As you can probably imagine, if you are using a particularly
feedback prone pickup system / acoustic instrument, adding
boost might easily send you in to feedback territory. So start
small. If you need to boost your output, start with a gentle
boost amount and work your way upwards. If you start to hear
stage feedback or are overloading the input at the console,
then you’ll need to back it off.
BiX and all its associated parties are not responsible
for disgruntled sound people or bandmates you may
encounter during the operation of the boost circuit.
Extra Credit:
Try the BiX at the front end of your electric guitar
rig. The boost circuit may just help send the input stage of
your tube amp into a beautiful, earthy overdrive.
Yep. This switch activates the Boost circuit, at whatever level
you set with the boost knob. This circuit is global, so the
boosted signal will be coming out of every output. For those
about to rock, you’ll need to activate this switch first before we
can solute you. The LED will light up AMBER for awesome.
This switch mutes the DI and AMP outputs. This enables you
to quickly and easily cut your signal to the FOH or stage amp
and tune or unplug your instrument without having to have
the soundperson mute your channel. When MUTE is active, the
adjacent LED illuminates RED.