You can use 4-way navigation keys for measuring times for each direction.
When you press a navigation key, the direction stopwatch will start timing, and other direction
stopwatch will pause the timing. When you press the paused direction’s navigation key, the
stopwatch will resume timing.
7.6 Calculator
Using this feature, you can use the phone as a calculator. The calculator performs the basic arithmetic
functions and memory functions; Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division; Add to Memory,
Subtract to Memory, Memory Clear and Memory Read.
To perform a calculation:
Enter the first number using the numeric keys.
Press the up navigation key once to use [ + ] (add), and twice to use [M+] (add to the
previous result).
Press the navigation key down to use [ - ] (subtract), and twice to use [M-] (subtract to the
previous result).
Press the right navigation key once to use [ x ] (multiply), and twice to use [MC] (erase the
previous result)