6 Bitstream File Configuration
2. On the Process tab, right click Place & Route and then click
“Configuration > Bitstream”;
3. In the options of Bitstream Format, select Text or Binary, as shown in
Figure 6-9 Bitstream Format generation
Gowin supports compressing bitstream data. The compression ratio is
related to the user design. This manual only provides uncompressed
configuration file sizes, as shown in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 Gowin FPGA Products Configuration File Size (Max.)
Max. Configuration
File Size
84 KBytes
217 KBytes
435 KBytes
887 KBytes
2269 KBytes
The data in the table is the file size in binary format, and the configuration file is not
compressed. If SPI Flash is used to store bitstream file, memory margin is required.
Configuration File Loading Time
Gowin FPGA can be used as Master to read bitstream files from Flash
and configure SRAM, including Autoboot mode and MSPI mode. In
Autoboot mode, FPGA reads bitstream files from internal Flash. In MSPI
mode, FPGA reads bitstream files from external Flash.
When the FPGA is
powered on and ready, it starts to read bitstream files, and when the
loading is done, the FPGA enters the User Logic state, as shown in the
figure below.