Technical Data
English, Revision 09, Date: 13.12.2016
Technical Data
Antenna HG G-98820ZA
Operational safety
According to the German norm BGV B11 Area 1
see annex G on page 68
approx. 3.2 kg
Effective antenna area
250 x 110 mm (function range positioning)
Power supply antenna
18 to 36 V, approx. 300 mA @ 24 V
1 A peak while programming transponders
Operating temperature
0 to +50
Mechanical stability
5 g 11 ms / 2 g 10 to 55 Hz
Protection class
IP 65
Metal and interference
free area
no closed loop within 300 mm around the antenna, especially around
the cover
no metal surfaces nearer than 50 mm
Current-carrying wires have to be far enough away from the antenna
(minimum 150 mm) so that their power and frequencies does not influ-
ence the antenna too much, its sum voltage in idle mode has to be
below 50 and during driving below 100 (guideline: For very high or very
small reading distances those values may be higher/lower. The sum
voltage without a transponder in the reading area should always be
smaller than half the sum voltage that is generated by a transponder
within the reading area).
The only exception to this rule is the connection cable of the antenna
Max. pass-over speed
2 m/s
Reading distance (dis-
tance transponder -
underside reading
20 to 50 mm (with HW DEV00095/HW DEV00098)
20 to 80 mm (with HG G-71325XA)
Nominal reading dis-
30 to 40 mm
Width of the active
Antenna reading area
±125 mm
Static positioning accu-
±5 mm @ a height of 40 mm (with HG G-71325XA, HW DEV00095; also
refer to section F on page 66)
3 M12 connectors
Signal processing time
8 ms
output RS 232
The connection speed is 19200 or 38400 Bd. The telegram content may be
configured. 3964R or “transparent“ protocol selectable
Output positioning pulse
20 mA current source, isolated
Table 22
Technical Data Antenna HG G-98820ZA (part 1 of 2)