76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
Chapter 8 – Serial Interface
The HG G
76343/4/5 can control the data flow remotely (remote) or autonomously
(local). The user has the following modes to select from:
no Handshake:
The signal CTS / DSR are not evaluated. Only RTS and DTR are set active when
the serial interface is connected over the network.
The HG G
76343/4/5 sends and receives the flow control characters XON =
0x11 and XOFF = 0x13. The radio modem sends an XOFF character to the serial
partner when the cache in the radio modem is almost full. When the cache is
almost empty, the radio modem sends an XON character.
The HG G
76343/4/5 uses the RTS signal to show that it is ready to receive. The
76343/4/5 evaluates the signal CTS to determine the readiness of the
serial partner.
The HG G
76343/4/5 uses the DTR signal to show that it is ready to receive. The
76343/4/5 evaluates the signal DSR to determine the readiness of the
serial partner.
In this mode the HG G
76343/4/5 transmits the status of the input signal lines
CTS, DSR, DCD and RI to the network communication partner. This is done via a
separate socket (port). For this reason, the user has to make further configura
tions depending on the network mode set. The states of the signal lines are
described as character strings. Certain letters describe the state of a particular
signal line. If the letter is capitalized, this means that the signal is active. A low
ercase letter means an inactive signal. The assignment is as follows:
D = DSR active
d = DSR inactive
R = CTS active
r = CTS inactive
C = DCD active
c = DCD inactive
I = RI active
i = RI inactive
To control the output signal lines RTS and DTR, the following characters are
sent to the HG G
76343/4/5 via the network:
D = Set DTR active
d = set DTR inactive
R = Set RTS active
r = set RTS inactive
RS422 / RS485:
These are
modes, that
must be set if
the serial interface is equipped
with a special
RS422 / RS485 interface IC
. In this case, the RTS line is used
to do the send and receive switching. Therefore it is possible to define the acti
vation of the transmit driver before and after sending data.
8.5 Enable Dump
If this option is activated, all serially received and transmitted data are recorded in a
file in the internal flash memory of the radio modem. If there are problems with data
exchange on the serial interface, an exact error analysis can be carried out in coop
eration with our service.
If necessary, ask our service for the exact procedure.