76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
Chapter 5 – Parameter Setting via the Web Interface
When the radio modem receives the correct ON or OFF phrase it switches the relay
to the appropriate state and responds with a character string corresponding to the
then current state of the relay. The response is always 12 characters long (ON or OFF
phrase with '\0' characters appended)
To query the status of the relay, you can send any string of characters to the radio
modem and it will respond with the current status. Delayed switching on and off of the relay
Starting with firmware version 2.12k, it is possible to have the commands for switch
ing the relay on or off executed with a time delay. For this purpose, a time specifica
tion in angle brackets is sent to the corresponding TCP or UDP port of the radio mo
dem directly after the ON phrase or the OFF phrase.
Example: The ON phrase is set to ON. Then you can send the string ON<15> to the
radio modem so that the relay switches on delayed by 15 seconds.
If a time delay is active, the radio modem responds with a character string that re
flects the last command (ON or OFF) followed by the remaining delay in angle brack
Example: ON<xx> where xx is the current number of seconds to switch on.
5.3.7 Realtime Clock
The HG G
76343/4/5 have an RTC (Real Time Clock), which is not buffered by a bat
tery. Therefore, once the time has been set, it is lost after the supply voltage has been
switched off. After switching on the voltage, the HG G
76343/4/5 starts the RTC
with the date 01.01.2000 and the time 00:00:00 o'clock.
Realtime Clock
you can configure a time server that collects current date and
time information via the network (WLAN or LAN) using NTP. The setting of a time
server is absolutely necessary if the SCEP functionality is used. However, there are
also great advantages if system messages of the HG G
76343/4/5 can be provided
with a correct time stamp.
ON Phrase
Character string to switch on the relay in UDP or TCP mode. If nothing is specified
here, every character arriving on the port switches the relay on.
Starting with version 2.12k, the firmware offers an extension for delayed relay
switch-on, see section below.
OFF Phrase
Character string to switch off the relay in UDP or TCP mode.
Starting with version 2.12f, the firmware offers an extension for delayed relay
switch-off, see section below.
Time in seconds until the relay is switched off again after switching on. The value 0
means infinitely long.
Table 32
Web interface: Realtime Clock (part 1 of 2)
Enables the NTP client
Here an IP address or host name of a time server (e.g. ptbtime1.ptb.de) can be
entered. The default value is
If a host name is entered the network conection (WLAN) must have a DNS IP
defined (static or via DHCP).
Table 30
Web interface: Onboard Relay (part 2 of 2)