Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 4: Software
If both requirements are met, the two buttons
appear. Subsequently, param-
eters can be changed and adopted with the
button. If the changed values are not to be
adopted, the
button aborts the operation and restores the original values. To ensure
that the parameters are adopted, the navigation controller should be restarted after chang-
4.3.1 Configuration –> Main
Figure 48
Screenshot: Configuration –> Main
Basic settings of the navigation controller. The table has three columns and is divided into
two parts:
Item: Shows which value is involved.
Setting: Input of the value
Unit: Unit of the value
The following values can be changed:
Trigger Level Digital Inputs: As of this voltage, analogue signals are detected at inputs
1 to 4 as logical 1.
Trigger Level Encoder Inputs: As of this voltage, signals are detected at the encoder
inputs 1 to 2 as logical 1.
Vehicle Type: For special vehicles, special configurations can be selected if required.
As default,
Omnidrive 0
should always be selected here.
Vehicle Number: Number of the vehicle
CAN1 Protocol: At the moment, only the
CAN Universal
protocol is active.
CAN1 Baudrate: Baud rate of the CAN bus 1. Normally, 250 or 500 kBit/s is used.
CAN2 Protocol: Not yet used
CAN2 Baudrate: Baud rate of the CAN bus 2. Normally, 250 or 500 kBit/s is used.