Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 | www.goetting-agv.com
Chapter 11: Appendix
A Attributes
List of the attributes that may be set in the segment file (s. section on page 20).
0x00000001 Segment start
Has to be set when reaching the first support point for the control
unit to correctly recognize the segment start
0x00000002 Segment end
Has to be set when reaching the last support point for the control
unit to correctly recognize the segment end
0x00000004 Blink right
not yet used
exception: „Spot turn“, see below
0x00000008 Blink left
not yet used
exception: „Spot turn“, see below
0x00000010 Deviation 2
This bit can be used to switch between two parameters for the max-
imum acceptable deviation between the target position and the
actual position.
Deviation 0 is used
Deviation 1 is used
0x00000020 Use GPS
Navigation with GPS System
0x00000040 Accuracy
This bit can be used to switch between two parameters for the max-
imum acceptable position accuracy.
Accuracy Track 0 is used
Accuracy Track 1 is used
0x00000080 Use Transponder
Navigation with Transponders
0x00000100 Wire drive
not yet used
0x00000200 Offset right
not yet used
0x00000400 Offset left
not yet used
0x00000800 Steer not inverse
s. section on page 25
0x00001000 Steer inverse
0x00002000 Stop distance
s. section on page 26
0x00004000 Spot turn
s. section on page 27
When this bit is set and a suitable vehicle type is in use the vehicle
turns on the symmetry axis until the desired vehicle orientation is
reached (forklift).
– If „Blink right“ and „Blink left“ are not set the vehicle turns into
the direction that means the shortest possible distance to reach
the desired orientation.
– If one of those bits is set it determines the direction in which the
vehicle turns regardless of the distance.
0x00008000 Steering straight
not yet used / by setting this bit the steering is set straight ahead (0
steering angle)
Table 53