Device Description HG G-71910-C | English, Revision 03 | Date: 17.09.2019
Chapter 9 – Appendix
The data sentence always starts with an „=“-character (hex 0x3d). Then the param
eters chosen from the respective menu follow. The telegram is to be quit with an 8
bit check sum over all characters. This check character is the result of ex-oring all
characters. The characters are transmitted without delay.
9.3.2 Data direction SPS -> antenna
Commands are transmitted into this direction if necessary. Each command must
start with a „=“-character (hex 0x3d). The format of the commands is described in
Table 8 „List of system commands“ on page 21. The telegram is to be quit with a 8
bit check sum (XOR) over all characters. The characters are sent without delay. The
characters must be received within the parameterizeable character delay time. Oth
erwise the telegram will be chopped.
9.4 Parallel Output
After decoding of the transponder code valid the lower 15 bit will be set to the cor
responding outputs. The appropriate transponders of the driver circuit are set up to
24 V. Additionally the DTR -output is activated for the duration adjustable. The in
creasing edge / slope of this pulse can be used for the storage of the parallel data,
e.g. of an PLC. The edge (duration adjustable via Time&Code -> DTR Setup Time; see on page 38) will be started after applying the code to the parallel output. A
(possible) 0 code does not lead to the activation of the DTR output. A multiple re
ceiver leads to the activation of the output, if this one is deallocated in the corre
sponding menu ( on page 38).
9.5 Positioning Pulse
After crossing the center of the antenna a current limited output is set up to 24 V for
an adjustable time. Via the corresponding set up menu ( on page 38) it is pos
sible to set whether the crossing of the antenna’s center generates a positioning
pulse or if only one pulse per crossing is output.
Additionally it is possible to set that the positioning pulse is only deallocated after a
transponder has been decoded.