Handbook Conventions
Revision 04 (English), Date: 26.04.2016
Handbook Conventions
At the time this manual was printed, the following symbols and marks were used in all
Götting KG documentations:
For security advices, the following symbols stand for different degrees of danger
and importance:
Further information or advices are indicated as follows:
Program texts and variables are indicated through the use of the
Script Cou-
Whenever the pressing of letter keys is required for program entries, the required
eys are indicated as such (for any programs of Götting KG small and
capital letters are equally valid).
Sections, drawings and tables are subsequential numbers throughout the com-
plete document. In addition, each documents includes a list of contents showing
the page numbers following the front. If a document exceeds 10 pages, it also has
a drawings list and a list of tables on the last few pages. If required, in case a doc-
ument is correspondingly long and complex, a index is added in the back.
Each document shows a small table including meta information, such as deveo-
pler, author, revision and date of issue, on the front page. The information regard-
ing revision and date of issue are also included in the bottom line on each page of
the document. This way it is possible to clear identify the source document for
each bit of information.
Online version (PDF) and printed handbook are always generated from the same
source. Due to the consequent use of Adobe FrameMaker for these documenta-
tions, it is possible to use the cross hints and content entries (including page num-
bers of the index) of the PDF file for automatical transfer to the corresponding