List of Tables
English, Revision 03, Date: 07.02.2012
List of Tables
Available antennas and transponders................................................. 4
Pin alloc. of the 5-pin circular connector ST1 (pin, HG 71451-A) ....... 9
Pin alloc. of the 5-pin circular connector ST2 (socket, HG 71451-A1) 9
Pin alloc. of the 5-pin circular connector S13 (pin, HG 71451-A) ....... 9
Significance of the 5 LEDs HG 71451-A ........................................... 10
Structure of the 3 Profibus Input Bytes.............................................. 11
Structure of the 3 Profibus Input Bytes.............................................. 11
Structure of the Profibus Output bytes .............................................. 11
Structure of the 3 Profibus Input Bytes.............................................. 12
Structure of the 3 Profibus Input Bytes.............................................. 12
Significance of the status byte .......................................................... 12
Significance of the instruction bit ...................................................... 13
Terminal settings for the monitor program ........................................ 19
Technical Data Identification Antenna HG 71451-A ......................... 24