Remove all packing material, then inspect each item for any
accidental damage that may have occurred during shipping.
You should find each of these items in your GKS box:
1. GKS Front & Rear Wheel Compartment
2. GKS Tiller & HandleBar
3. GKS Approved Power Adapter / Charging Unit
4. 4 mm Allen wrench
5. 5 mm Allen wrench
6. 4 Screws
Remove all packing material, then inspect each item for any
accidental damage that may have occurred during shipping.
You should find each of these items in your box:
1. Scooter Front & Rear Wheel Compartment
2. Tiller & Handlebars
3. Approved Power Adapter / Charging Unit
4. 4 mm Allen wrench
5. 5 mm Allen wrench
6. 4 Screws