GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Meanings of Symbols on the Instrument
300 V CAT II
Maximum permissible voltage and
measuring category between con-
nections and ground
Warning concerning a point of
danger (attention:
observe documentation!)
Indicates European Conformity
This device may not be disposed
of with the trash.
Further information regarding the
WEEE mark can be accessed on
the Internet at www.gossenme-
trawatt.com by entering the
search term “WEEE”.
Meanings of Symbols in the Operating Instructions
LED L1, L2, L3, N or PE at test adapter
LED on
LED off
PRCD LED at the device under test
LED on
LED off
Scope of Delivery
Test adapter
Probe cable with plug-in test probe
Set of operating instructions
Table of Contents
Safety Precautions .................................... 4
Applications .............................................. 5
Initial Start-Up ........................................... 6
Testing the LEDs ......................................... 6
Mains Connection ....................................... 6
Connecting the PRCD .................................. 7
Measurements with the
PROFITEST MXTRA .................................... 7
Measuring Protective Conductor Resistance (Rlo) ....... 7
Measuring Insulation Resistance (Riso) ............. 8
Tripping Test with Nominal Residual Current and
Measurement of Time to Trip ............................... 8
Varistor Test (PRCD-K) ................................. 9
Protective Conductor Current Measurement 9
Fault Simulation ...................................... 10
PRCD-S (single-phase) ............................. 10
PE-UEXT ................. 10
6.1.4 Contacting the “ON” Key at the PRCD with the Probe ......11
PRCD-K (single-phase) ............................. 11
6.2.1 Simulated Interruption ....................................... 11
PRCD-S (3-phase) .................................... 12
6.3.1 Simulated Interruption ....................................... 12
6.3.2 Simulated Wire Reversal .................................... 13
6.3.3 Simulation of PE to Phase ................................... 13
Characteristic Values .............................. 14
Maintenance ........................................... 14
Housing Maintenance ................................ 14
8.2.1 Testing of Protective Conductor Resistance RPE ............15
8.2.2 Testing of Insulation Resistance: ......................... 15
8.2.3 Contact Current Measurement ............................ 16
Fuse Replacement ..................................... 16
Return and Environmentally Sound Disposal 16
Repair and Replacement Parts Service, Calibration
Center and Rental Instrument Service ................. 16
Product Support ...................................... 16
Symbols – Scope of Delivery – Table of Contents