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c) Gesture mode
After the host enables GT911 to enter Gesture mode by sending I2C command 8 to 0x8046, then to 0x8040,
wake-up can be achieved by swipe, double-tap, or writing specified lower-case letters on TP.
In Gesture mode, when GT911 detects any finger swipe on TP for a sufficiently long distance, INT will output
high level or a pulse that is greater than 250us. The host wakes up and turns on the screen after receiving such high
level or pulse.
In Gesture mode, when GT911 detects any double-tap on TP, INT will output high level or a pulse that is
greater than 250us. The host wakes up and turns on the screen after receiving such high level or pulse.
In Gesture mode, when GT911 detects any writing of specified lower-case letters on the TP, INT will output
high level or a pulse that is greater than 250us. The host wakes up and turns on the screen after receiving such high
level or pulse.
d) Sleep mode and wakeup
The host enables GT911 to enter Sleep mode by sending I2C command 0x05 to 0x8040 (requires INT to
output low before the command). GT911 needs to exits Sleep mode, the host can employ INT high-level wakeup or
reset wakeup. If the host employs INT high-level wakeup, the operation sequence is: host drives INT output high
for 2ms~5ms, and then drives INT input floating. GT911 enters Normal mode after being woken up and it will
output a touch-release pulse in every cycle. The host must read the interrupts of three cycles. Otherwise, GT911 will
not stop outputting such pulse. The time interval between issuing the screen-off command and wakeup should be
longer than 58ms. If the host employs reset wakeup, it is required to control the INT pin and Reset pin during the
power-on initialization as mentioned in section 4.1.