Trouble shooting
Measured figure
does not move at
all or only when
the file tip is
close to the
apical foramen.
Is there pulp tissue left inside
the root canal?
Is the file touching a metal
Are proximal surfaces infected
with caries?
Are there lateral canals or is
the tooth fractured?
Does a broken crown allow
leakage of electric current?
Is there lesion at the apex?
Is the file hook broken or dirty?
Is the canal blocked?
Is the apical foramen very
large and open?
Is the canal extremely dry?
Accurate measurements cannot be
obtained if a large amount of pulp tissue
is left inside the root canal.
Touching a metal prosthesis with the file
allows a flow of current to gingival tissue
or periodontal pocket and will cause the
meter to jump to the “APEX”.
Current can flow through the caries
infected area to the gums and prevent
and accurate measurement from being
The meter bar may jump to “APEX” when
it reaches the opening of a lateral canal
of the opening of a fractured tooth that
allows the current to flow to the gingival
Build up an insulating barrier to stop the
A lesion can destroy the apical foramen
through absorption and an accurate
measurement cannot be obtained.
Replace or clean the file hook.
Open the passage all the way through the
apical constriction first and then take the
If the apical foramen is large or wide open
and not completely formed, the
measured figure will suddenly jump when
the file tip gets close to the apex.
Moisten the canal with oxydol or a saline
* If the user is unable to inspect the device himself or if the device fails to work properly after being
adjusted or after parts are replaced, contact local dealer or manufacturer.
- How to check the serial number.
S/N : DFA 02170001
MM YY Serial