The player who can jump highest goes first. To start the game, that player should
gently pull the fuse on the side of the rocket fully, and throw the die.
1 rocket, 1 big star, 40 small stars, 12 star-catchers (4 colored
sets of 3 star-catchers), 4 constellations, 1 die
To be the first player to collect 6 stars and fill their constellation.
Each player picks a color and places the 3 star-catchers upside-down in front of them.
Deal each player 1 constellation of that same color.
These stars are out-of-this-world!
Place the stars into the rocket and
get ready for blastoff!
Playing the Game:
Object of the Game:
Set Up:
Make sure that the star-shaped opening
at the top of the rocket is empty. Push
the big star into the opening, face up,
until you hear a click.
Attach the lid to the rocket by lining up the
hinges and gently snapping them together, but
do not close the lid.
Place all the small stars on top of the
big star to fill the hole. Close the lid.
Snap the left and right hands in
the correct position on either side
of the rocket.
Place a new star-catcher into play anywhere on the table. It can't be
moved any more without throwing the die again. When all your
star-catchers are in the game, skip a turn.
You can change the position of one of your own star-catchers already
played, OR move it on a pile, OR move it to the top of the pile if it was
covered. If none of your star-catchers have already been played,
skip your turn.
Rolls of the die:
Steal a star from another player and add it to your star holder.