User manual – Goldmund MIMESIS 27.3 – Analogue Preamplifier - 8 -
The preamp can be powered off by switching the switch to the OFF position. A
special safety circuit switches the preamp to muting, to avoid any disturbance to
reach the power amplifier and the speakers, even if the preamplifier is disconnected
from the AC plug by accident.
However, to optimize the sound quality of the preamplifier and insure the best
reliability, Goldmund recommends that the unit is left powered ON.
- Muting:
Muting is controlled from the remote control. It can be used to temporarily turn the
volume down without touching the volume control. When returned to normal, the
level of the preamplifier is returned to where it was when the muting was activated.
- Volume:
May be adjusted manually by turning the volume control or on the remote by
or -.
- Selector:
Selects one of the (8 if D/A option is enabled, 5 if not) available input for listening,
including the one tape inputs for monitoring. A step clockwise is selecting the next
input; a step counterclockwise selects the previous input. A display on the front panel
shows the number of the input selected. Selection may be also made on the remote
by pressing the key corresponding to the input on the Analog section of the remote.
- Record:
Record is factory set. Tape in is always input 5. If input 5 is selected, tape out is
disconnected. Otherwise, tape out is connected to the selected input. E.g. input 3 is
selected, so tape out receive signal from input 3.
- Warm-up sonic effect:
If the preamplifier has been left unpowered for a few days, the optimum sound
quality is only reached after many hours. This is why Goldmund recommends leaving
the MIMESIS 27.3 powered on.