But for your next turn, you should memorise which sounds you
already had in your hand. This will make it much easier to find
two blocks with the same sound next time.
End of the game
The game or a round of the game is over when all the sound
blocks are lying face up on the table in front of the players. The
player who has found the most sound pairs is the winner.
We hope you have lots of fun playing and a good ear for different
Game variants
You can agree with the other players that non-matching sounds
are put back on the table face up. Then it is naturally much easier
to find two identical sounds.
Information for your parents
It is important for everyday life to develop a feeling for different
sounds and tones.
In our everyday lives we orientate ourselves much more to
acoustic signals than most of us are aware of. At street junctions
we can distinguish how far away an approaching vehicle may
be. A mother can recognise from the sound of her child‘s voice
where it is and whether the child is experiencing fear or pleasure.
Children learn to gain a feeling for sounds and tones by playing.
However, the game also fosters the memorising and matching of
identical tones and sounds.