B l u e C o n n e c t
GO Systemelektronik GmbH Faluner Weg 1 24109 Kiel Germany Tel.: +49 431 58080-0
Fax: -58080-11
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2 Description of the BlueConnect Modules
The BlueConnect Modules
Transmit the measured values of analog sensors via CAN bus and Modbus.
Transmit the measured values of Modbus sensors via CAN bus.
Transmit the measured values of sensors to a PLC.
Control a RS232 Interface via CAN bus.
Transmit the current values of analog current outputs via CAN bus and Modbus.
Control an RS232 interface via CAN bus.
BlueConnect Modules are available in four basic variants: as Sensor Module, Bus Module, Current Module and
RS232 Module.
The necessary settings are made with a PC using the enclosed BlueConnect configuration program.
4 Configuring the Sensor Modules with the Modbus Tool.exe
The BlueConnect Modules must be installed in such a way that they are not exposed to direct sunlight,
rain or snow. Direct sunlight can lead to extreme temperatures, which significantly reduces the service
life of electronic components.
2.1 System Setup Examples
Connection of analog sensors to a PLC system
Connection of analog sensors and Modbus sensors to a BlueBox System
Connection of analog sensors with additional power supply to a BlueBox System