Using the pendulum control
1. With the pendulum control
(2) set at the blade
moves backwards and
forwards only and does
not swing up and down as
well. This is called “straight
cutting”. Use straight cutting
when sawing hard materials
such as metal.
2. With the pendulum control
(2) set at
the blade
swings up and down as well
as moving backwards and
forwards. This “pendulum
action cutting” is very
efficient when cutting softer
materials. It provides a more
aggressive and faster cut.
Pendulum action cutting can leave a rough finish.
Use a file or rasp to clean up the cut edge if necessary.
Use the straight cutting mode when you wish
to make curved or clean cuts, even when working with
soft materials.
Rotating the rear handle
1. The rear handle (8) can
be rotated, there are eight
set positions of operation,
spaced 45° apart.
2. The rear handle must be
“locked” into one of the eight
preset positions. It must not
be used at any position in
between these eight preset
positions as it might rotate
during use and create a hazard.
3. To rotate the handle press on
the rotating release switch
(9) and move the handle to
one of the present positions.
General cutting
1. Hold the saw firmly in front
and clearly away from you.
2. Make sure that the blade is
clear of any obstruction and
that the power cord or any
extension cord is out of the
path of the blade.
3. Ensure that the material to
be cut is held firmly. Small
work pieces should be held
in a vice or clamped to the workbench.
4. Mark out the cutting line.
5. Press the lock-off button and squeeze the trigger.
6. Wait until the saw has reached maximum speed.
7. Place the shoe on the work piece and begin sawing.
Use only enough pressure to keep the saw cutting.
Do not force the cutting; allow the blade and the saw to do
the work.
Use of excessive pressure that causes bending
or twisting of the blade may cause the blade to break.
Straight Cutting
Pendulum Cutting