4. Assemble the lock and cam to the passenger side of the di
vider. See Figure 5. Fit lock cylinder through the hole on the
outside of the bracket and divider. Cylinder should be aligned
so that the key turns between the 3 o'clock (locked) position
and the 6 o'clock (unlocked) position when looking at the lock
from the inside of the seat with the key teeth up. Hold the
lock in place with a washer and nut. Tighten nut with 7/8 inch
wrench. Screw the cam into place using the 3/8 inch long bolt.
Cam should be aligned to the 3 o'clock position.
5. Fit and adjust link arm. See Figure 6. Rest the previously at
tached latch mechanism against the pin in the seat bracket.
With cam in the 3 o'clock position, screw the end of the link
arm to the cam using the 5/8 inch long bolt. Be sure to include
the plastic washers and metal shaft to the screw holding the
link arm. The bolt needs to be loose enough to allow the plas
tic washers to slide along the hole in the link arm.
6. Unlock the divider before lowering seat cushion. See Figure 7.
Cam will be in the 6 o'clock position.
7. Verify that the lock works once installed and that the seat will
lock into the down position. To lift the seat you may need to
give it a small push down again.
The jack and jack tools are located under the seat. It is recom
mended that you lock the divider only when necessary to prevent
being locked out from the jack and jack tools. Always carry the
keys along with you.
Service Parts Operations
6200 Grand Pointe Dr., Grand Blanc, Ml 48439