Contacting Glyph
Please use the following contact information to contact Glyph and its distributors.
Glyph USA offers phone support Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.
Note: DO NOT ship any return goods to the mailing addresses below unless you have a valid RMA number.
All goods will be refused delivery unless a valid RMA number is displayed on the outside of the package.
United States of America
Glyph Technologies
3736 Kellogg Rd.
Cortland, NY 13045
Phone: +1 607-275-0345
Fax: +1 607-275-9464
Sales Contact:
Technical Support:
Unpacking Your GPT50
Your Glyph GPT50 and accessories are packaged in a sturdy shipping container. Please inspect the container
for evidence of shipping damage and mishandling. If the container is damaged, file a report with the carrier
or dealer immediately. Do not attempt to unpack and operate your GPT50 until the carrier or dealer confirms
the damage. If the container is in good condition, proceed with unpacking the GPT50. Verify that all of the
items described in the next section are present and in good condition. If any of the items you expect to find
in your container is missing or damaged, contact the dealer before proceeding any further.
In any case, do keep the shipping container and all packing materials in a safe place.
The GPT50 package includes:
GPT50 Hard Drive
9-Pin FireWire 800 Cable
IEC Power Cable