7 Installation
Installation and maintenance instructions Energy
Connecting the condensate discharge pipe
Follow the instructions listed here and observe the legal
and local regulations on condensate discharge.
Use PVC or any other material that is suitable for drain-
ing the non-neutralised condensate.
If you cannot guarantee that the materials from which the
drain pipework is made are suitable, install a system for
neutralising the condensate.
The condensate drain pipework must have a
continuous fall (45 mm per metre) and should
whenever possible terminate at a suitable
drain point within the heated envelope of the
building that will remain frost free under long
periods of low external temperatures.
Connect the condensate traps
. Use the supplied drain
for this.
Ensure that the connection between the con-
densate discharge pipe and the drain hose is
not air-tight.
Connect a condensate discharge pipe (21.5 mm, not
included in the scope of delivery) to the drain hose
During installation remove all burrs from inside of cut pipe
work and avoid excessive adhesive which may trap small
pockets of water close to the pipe wall which can freeze
and build into a larger ice plug.
For any installation the condensate must be free flowing
and not be possible for air back-pressure to prevent wa-
ter flow.
As with other pipe work insulate the condensate dis-
charge pipe to minimise any risk of freezing and beware
when crossing cavities that the fall is maintained and the
pipe sleeved.
You can find further information in specification "BS 6798"
for installing and maintaining gas-fired boilers with a nominal
heat input below 70 kW.
Condensate discharge systems
The condensate is discharged periodically in ‘slugs’ by si-
phonic action. It is not necessary to provide extra traps in the
discharge pipe as there is already a 75 mm high trap inside
the boiler. Fitting an extra trap may cause the boiler siphon
to work incorrectly. Refer to BS5546 or BS6798 for further
advice on disposal of boiler condensate. Direct Connection to internal soil and vent
Preferred option Direct connection to external soil and vent
Ø 32mm
≤ 3 m External termination to gulley or hopper
Ø 32mm
≤ 3 m
Best practice