4.2 Warnings and Legends
Display on HUD
Tire Pressure Warning Legend When the tire pressure is too
low or too high,every 10 seconds prompted two short beeps
for one minute and, at the same time the tire
pressure warning icon flashes.
Tire Temperature Warning Legend When the tire temperature
is too high, prompted two beeps every 10 seconds, and for one
minute, Tire temperature alarm icon flashes.
nsufficient electricity power of tire warning Legend
When individual tire pressure is less than 2.6 Volt, the tire
chartShown and the battery icon flashes and prompts every 10
seconds two short beeps for one minute and you can press the
set button to enter the battery voltage, view the tire and
replace with new ones.
Please note:
When battery power of Sensor is less than 2.6 Volt, Sensor
will be unable to work which has influences on RF signal
reception. Please replace with new batteries immediately.