GlobalTime NTP Products
User manual of GTT-030
Note: When it displays " Please restart the machine to make the change active." , press " ENTER" to
return to the previous interface. Then select "4 Exit", the setting can take effect. If directly turn off the
computer, it will result in the configuration failed.
Display the status
By entering "3" in the main configuration interface, you will enter the "check the work status" interface
shown in Figure 3-3. The figure shows that the current time of the time server is of level 1. The time root
deviation is 19.487 ms and the current UTC time is 1:38:40. There are 10 satellites which can be tracked
in the sky. Note: the time shown is UTC time, which differs by 8 hours from China Standard Time (China
time zone is +8). Entering "Q" will return to the main configuration screen while entering other keys will
continue to the next step. When GTT-030 network time server work properly, the time level is 1, or else it
is 16.
Figure 3-3
Check the work status
Chage the password
If type "4" in the main configuration interface, it will enter into the "change password" screen, shown as 0.
At first, you need to type the original password. If correct, it will prompt to type a new password. The user
password contains 5-8 characters. Note: the password can not be too simple. If take some meaningful
words as the password, it will probably be refused by the system. So the password with combinations of
upper- and lower- case strings is appropriate.
Change the password