MiraBox User Guide
Bluetooth testing
There is a bluetooth chip built-in Mirabox but disabled as default.
(1) Enable the Bluetooth function.
# turnon_bt.sh
# hcitool -i hci0 dev
(2) Scan nearby Bluetooth devices.
a. Please turn on the Bluetooth device such as your mobile phone, BT earphone or laptop computer, then
put it into
“to be discovered” mode.
b. Entering command as following on your Mirabox.
# hciconfig
# hcitool -i hci0 scan --flush
Normally, the Bluetooth devices nearby will be searched and shown as below.
# sdptool browse
This command shows the protocol of Bluetooth device found.
If you see the message like this, it means
your Bluetooth is up and running.
This is a mobile phone with
Bluetooth enabled that is