2) To fill the fuel tank, remove the fuel lines
from both the carburetor and the muffler. Fill through
the fuel pickup line and watch for excess fuel coming
from the vent line. When fuel begins to come out of
the vent line, the fuel tank is full. Reattach the fuel
lines to their proper positions.
3) The switch should be mounted on the left side
of the fuselage, in the forward section of the servo
compartment. Use the faceplate of the switch itself
to locate and mark the switch cutout and mounting
4) Cut out the switch hole using a modeling
knife. Use a 5/64” drill bit and drill the two mount-
ing holes through the fuselage side.
5) Secure the switch in place using the two ma-
chine screws provided with the switch. Do not
overtighten the screws. You don't want to crush the
wood. See photo # 46 below.
Photo # 46
6) Plug the three servo leads and the switch lead
into the receiver. Plug the battery pack lead into the
switch lead. We also recommend installing an aile-
ron extension lead into the receiver.
An aileron extension lead will make it easier to
plug the aileron servo lead in once the receiver
has been installed.
7) Wrap the receiver in Dubro foam rubber. Use
a couple of lengths of masking tape to secure the foam
in place, just as you did with the battery pack.
Do not wrap the receiver to tight. You want to
be careful not to crush the servo wires as they
come out the top of the receiver.
8) The receiver is mounted directly behind the
fuel tank. Using a 5/64” drill bit, drill a hole in the
left side of the fuselage, about 1/2” behind the fuel
9) Unwrap the receiver antenna and feed it out
through the hole in the side of the fuselage. Use a
strip of Velcro to secure the receiver to the fuselage
floor, just behind the fuel tank. Make sure the an-
tenna is not coiled around itself or the steering
pushrod. See photo # 47 below.
Photo # 47
10) Secure the antenna to the vertical stabilizer
using a rubber band, push pin and a modified servo
arm. Make sure the antenna is not pulled too tight
and that it runs underneath the rear wing hold down
dowel. See photo # 48 below.
Photo # 48
Do not cut off the excess antenna. Leave the
excess hang behind the airplane. Cutting the
antenna will greatly reduce the range of the receiver
and could cause you to lose control of your airplane.
11) Place a 10 x 6 propeller onto the crankshaft
of the engine. To secure the propeller in place, and
make it easier to start your engine with a hand-held
electric starter, use a Magnum 1/4” chrome spinner
nut. A thin shank screwdriver should be used to
tighten the spinner nut securely.