Mini Glider Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of the Mini Glider! Your glider is designed for years of nearly carefree use by
your child. These instructions include how to set up your glider and the maintenance procedures which you should
perform to ensure long-lasting use and optimal performance.
Tools Needed for Assembly:
Wrench (one included)
Philips Screwdriver (not included)
Assembly Instructions
Your Glider comes partially assembled. The front wheel and the handlebars require assembly.
Installing and Adjusting the Handle bar:
Remove the plastic cover on the end of the handlebar by first removing the Velcro cover on top of the
handlebar stem and then loosening the chrome 12 mm bolt by 2-3 turns to the left. The plastic cover should
slide off revealing a wedge nut, attached to the bolt. (The wedge nut may remain in the plastic covering)