Ginnys.com 800-544-1590
• Before making coffee, use the coffee maker once with water only
(without a filter). Dispose of water when finished.
• Only use cold water in the coffee maker.
• Switch off the coffee maker and let it cool down for about 5
minutes between brewings.
1. Open the filter basket door and firmly put a standard #4 cone paper
filter in place. Add the desired amount of coffee (about 3 level Tbsp. for
8 cups of coffee—add more or less to achieve desired taste). Close the
filter basket door.
2. Fill the carafe to the 8-cup line with cold water.
3. Open the reservoir lid and pour the water into the coffee maker reservoir.
4. Close the reservoir lid and put the carafe in place on the base.
5. Switch the coffee maker ON. The indicator light will come on and the
coffee will begin to brew.
6. This coffee maker has an anti-drip valve; while the coffee is brewing,
you can remove the carafe to pour a cup. Dripping will stop when the
carafe is removed and start again after the carafe is returned to position.
To prevent overflow from the filter, return the carafe to position within
20 seconds.
7. After brewing, the coffee maker will turn off automatically in 2 hours.
8. Turn OFF and unplug the coffee maker when finished brewing coffee.