5. Commissioning
5. Commissioning
5.4 Preliminary checks
Verify DC connections.
1). Lightly tug on each DC cable to ensure it is fully captured in the terminal.
2). Visually check for any stray strands that may not be inserted in the terminal.
3). Check to ensure the terminal screws are the correct torque.
High Voltage.
AC and DC measurements should be made only by qualified personnel.
5.4.1 DC Connections
Verify AC connections.
1). Lightly tug on each AC cable to ensure it is fully captured in the terminal.
2). Visually check for any stray strands that may not be inserted in the terminal.
3). Check to ensure the terminal screws are the correct torque.
5.4.2 AC Connections
5.4.3 DC configuration VOC and Polarity
Verify DC configuration by noting the number of panels in a string and the string voltage.
Measure VOC, and check string polarity. Ensure both are correct and VOC is in specification.
Input voltages higher than the maximum value accepted by the inverter
(see “Specifications” in Section 9) may damage the inverter.
Although Solis inverters feature reverse polarity protection,
prolonged connection in reverse polarity may damage these protection
circuits and/or the inverter. Leakage to ground Detection of leakage to ground
Solis inverters are transformer-less and do not have an array connection to ground.
Any measurement of a fixed voltage between ground and either the positive or negative string
wiring indicates a leakage (ground fault) to ground and must be corrected prior to energizing
the inverter or damage to the inverter may result.
Measure leakage to ground to check for a DC ground fault.
Measure VAC and verify voltage is within local grid standards.
1). Measure each phase to ground (L-G). Measure VAC and frequency
2). Measure phases to the other phases in pairs (L-L). PH A to PH B, PH B to PH C and
PH C to PH A.
3). If the meter is equipped, measure the frequency of each phase to ground.
4). Ensure each measurement is within local grid standards and the inverter specifications
as noted in Section 9 “Specifications”.
A phase rotation test is recommended to ensure the phases have been connected in the
appropriate order. Solis inverters do not require a
specific phase rotation connection.
However, the local utility may require a specific phase rotation or a record of the phase
configuration of the installation. Phase rotation test
Verify AC configuration.
5.4.4 AC configuration