speed. You'll reach the bottom faster, but with a huge grin on your face.
Soaring in stronger winds
How many pilots confronted with "strong" winds of 30-45 km/h, have dreamed of the
Bobcat? Here it is!
On the coast, in the mountains, or on your favourite hill, when it is impossible to take
your paraglider from its bag, the Bobcat is ready to take over.
How many paragliding schools have dreamed of the Bobcat? Here it is.
To learn in safety on school slopes the basis of inflation and to become familiar with
techniques for stronger winds, the Bobcat is a wonderful educational tool.
How many mountaineers climbing down from a summit have dreamed of the Bobcat?
Here it is!
The Bobcat will allow you to take off and fly in stronger winds than would be possible
with a paraglider. The Bobcat is compact, light and will easily fit into the bottom of an
experienced mountaineer’s backpack. Its instantaneous inflation and its high stability
in turbulence will allow you to experience mountains in a thrilling new way.
For pilots who…
The Bobcat is a speedglider designed for highly experienced and responsible pilots that have
enough knowledge to adapt to the speedglider’s dynamic handling. The higher wing loading
increases the speed and the responsiveness of the handling. The glide angles are much lower
than with modern paragliders. The landing approach and landing itself are considerably
The Bobcat is not recommended for busy flying sites and training in a professional paragliding
school is strongly recommended. Regular practice on the ground is very useful. Take special
care when deciding when and where to fly, and respect other flyers and flying machines.
All GIN gliders are produced in the company's own facilities using the most modern techniques.
Highly skilled staff take extreme care throughout the entire manufacturing process. Stringent
quality control is made after each step, and all materials that go into each wing can be traced.
These measures guarantee that pilots fly with the assurance that their wing meets the most
exacting safety standards.