First-aid collars GIMA are conceived to guarantee the utmost efficiency,
comfort and safety as far as support and correction in first-aid conditions
concerns. They are equipped with a plastic load-bearing structure provided
with small holes to allow a suitable transpiration. The internal covering is fixed
by means of plastic rivets and is completely washable.
This type of first-aid collars GIMA is equipped with a front hole, which allows
carrying out a tracheotomy in case of necessity.
All first-aid collars are provided with an anatomical chin rest and a Velcro
fastener, which makes the patient be more comfortable with the correct
The product or its components cannot be used for purposes different from
the one specified in the present manual.
The first-aid collar GIMA must be installed by qualified personnel trained on
the use of this kind of product; furthermore the patient must be followed as
long as he wears the collar.
As the product can get in contact or interact with other devices, it is advisable
to previously check its physical and functional compatibility.
In presence of plagues and infectious states, apply to a doctor for a
suitable treatment and ask for indications on the product
Do not use the product if it is damaged. Apply to your retailer.
Since the product is made of corrosion-proof materials suitable for the
enviromental conditions foreseen for its normal use, does not require special
care, however it is necessary to store it in a closed place making sure that is
protected from dust and dirt to assure its hygenic conditions. Moreover, it is
recommended to store the product in a place which can be reached easily by
the personnel in case of necessity.