• Inspect and test each device before each use.
• Discard devices that have reached their life expectancy.
• Activation of an electrosurgical device when not in contact with target tissue or in position to deliver
energy to target tissue (fulguration) may cause capacitive coupling.
These devices should be inspected before and after each use. Visually examine the devices for obvious
physical damage including:
• Cracked, broken or otherwise distorted plastic parts.
• Broken or significantly bent connector contacts.
• Damage including cuts, punctures, nicks, abrasion, unusual lumps, significant discoloration.
• Tips for damage, corrosion or misalignment condition.
Remove any obvious debris accumulated during use from the device with a soft, non-metallic instrument
cleaning brush plus mild detergent and sterile purified water solution.
Rinse thoroughly with sterile, purified water until free of detergent residual and debris, then thoroughly
dry using a sterile wipe, (Do not fully immerse in fluids).
• Do not scrape or scrub coated surface with abrasives.
• Do not use cervical brush to clean smoke tube.
• Do not overlap instruments in sterilization tray.
• Do not soak coated instruments in CIDEX or other caustic cold sterilization solutions.
• Do not use bleach.
• Do not place coated instruments in ultrasonic cleaner.
Wrap each pair of instrument separately or place in a container so as to prevent instrument from contact-
ing each other or other instruments.
• Steam: Steam autoclave at 250°F (121ºC) for 20 minutes.
• Flash: Steam autoclave at 275°F (134ºC) for 10 minutes.
• Gas (ETO): Follow manufacturer’s guide for the unit which you are using.
• Pre-Vac: Steam autoclave at 270°-273°F (132°-135°C),
Exposure Time (4 minutes), Dry Time (20 minutes)
Do not handle the device until they are thoroughly cooled. For maximum life of the product ETO sterili-
zation is recommended.
Electrosurgical Cables must be stored in a clean, cool and dry area. Protect from mechanical damage &
direct sun light. Handle with extreme care.
Index of symbols
Caution: read instructions (warnings) carefully
Follow instructions for use
Keep in a cool, dry place
Keep away from sunlight
Date of manufacture
Lot number
Product code
Medical Device complies with Directive 93/42/
Authorized representative in the European
WEEE disposal