1. Before use, please read the user manual carefully.
2. Please pay attention to the position contacting the
cushion bottom, which may produce sliding phenom-
enon. Please be careful to use.
3. Please don’t use awsl or other sharp tools to contact
the cushion.
4. Fill the appropriate air during use.
5. Please keep away from the fire and moist environ-
6. Please don’t bend or fold the cushion in the gas filling
7. If any part of body touches the cushion base, too
much air has been released, which will reduce the
therapeutic effect.
8. Please check the cushion every day to make sure
user will not bottom out.
9. The maximum weight of this product for patients is
10. Do not play with the air nozzle, in case of the danger
of inflating failure.
11. Please preserve the product and its accessories in
dry environment.
1. There will be no electromagnetic interference be-
tween the product and other devices.
2. The disposal of waste shall be carried out according
to the relevant environmental protection regulations
of each region.
3. This product can not be repaired and maintained dur-
ing use.
Performance and intended use
1. Air cushion will make you comfortable and stable by
distributing pressure on your hip evenly through mak-
ing you sit on the air cushion deeply.
2. Air cushion is designed with more human body in
mind for patient who is at intensely high risk from
pressure sores.
3. The inflated cells provide more balanced and stable
bosy posture without giving seasickness effect.
4. It is medical anti-bedsore free cushion, for disable
people, elder, office worker, auto driver, long seating
people etc.
Product specification
1 valve
6 cm
40x40x6 cm
6 cm
45x45x6 cm
Environment requirements
Operating Conditions
• Ambient Temperature: 5℃~ 40℃
• Relative Humidity: 15%~90%, non-condensing
• Atmospheric pressure: 700hPa to 1060hPa
• Altitude≤3000m
Storage and shipping conditions
• Ambient temperature: -25℃~70℃
• Relative Humidity: 10%~90%, non-condensing
• Atmospheric pressure: 700hPa to 1060hPa
• Altitude≤3000m
Main components
1. Cells: they are made of medical PVC.
2. Hand pump: it is used to inflate the cushion with air.
3. Valve: each cushion has valve or two valves which is
used to adjust the air inside cushion and softness of
4. Blake rope: it is for carrying or lifting the cushion.
5. Repair kit: it includes glue water and two pcs patch
film for repair in case of small holes.
6. User manual: it provides instruction of adjustment,
care and repair.
7. Cover: it is made of polyester fabric and keeps the
cushion surface from protruding beyond seat and
prevents cushion from sliding.
Instructions for use
1. Cells
2. Hand
3. Valve
4. Black rope
5. Repair kit
6. User manual
7. Cover
1. Place air cushion on
chair, turn valve coun-
ter-clockwise to open.
2. Connect silicon tube
of hand pump to valve
and inflate until cush-
ion arches slightly.