Gill Athletics - 2808 Gemini Court, Champaign, IL 61822 - (800) 637-3090 - fax (217) 367-8440
Landing System Assembly Instructions
1) Prepare landing system area.
2) Push the two large pads into place with the Gill logo
facing outwards.
4)Place the skirted mesh top onto the top of the
assembled system. Connect the carabiners to the rings
located around the perimeter of the landing system.
640A Essentials Landing System Components
Overall size: 16’ x 8’ x 24”
Overall size metric: 4.88m x 2.44m x .61m
(2) base units: 8’ x 8’ x 24”
Storage after Use
After use, if the landing system is going to be left outside, cover with the weather cover immediately.
Snap carabiners to rings located around the bottom perimeter of the landing system. This weather
cover will protect your landing system against most weather, however, extremely strong winds,
(hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. ) may allow water to enter the mats. Each day the landing system should be
inspected to detect the presence of water. Small to moderate amounts of water can evaporate
throughout the day if the weather cover is removed and left in the sun.
Storing Your Landing System Properly
-Landing systems should be kept in a cool, dry, well ventilated building.
-When storing mats outside for any amount of time, a weather covers is strongly recommended to
help prevent water and weather damage.
-All landing system materials are flammable. Take all precautions associated with storing flammable