3. Run the setup.exe in your unzipped folder.
4. After you have successfully installed the WinFlash program,
click Start, then point to Programs, you will find WinFlash
program folder, click WinFlash.
5. Select the operation you desired. “Backup BIOS and Flash
BIOS with new settings” will erase all the settings you previ-
ously made. Specify the location of your backup file and your
new BIOS file. Click Flash BIOS when you are ready to reset
your BIOS with new settings.
6. Click OK to start running the flash program.
7. The status of the execution will be shown in the pop-up win-
dow. Please do not interrupt the process of the execution for
the program to be properly executed.
8. The system now will be shut down for the program to be
successfully completed. You may press the power button to
restart your notebook computer.
Présentation des
Eléments du Portable