R9700 PRO Graphics Accelerator
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3.1.4. Display Properties pages
The screen shows the information of display adapter, color, the range of display area
and the refresh rate.
Settings (Resolutions and Color depth for windows)
The Setting properties page allows you to adjust the Direct 3D settings.
Options Properties
You can click the item to change
the color depth.
You can move the slider to the
change resolution.
Version Information provides the Catalyst version
number, 2D version number and the driver build
Details button access to the Details tab which lists the
card's hardware details and driver information.
Show D3D warning messages allows you to reactivate
any disabled graphics warning messages.
Enable ATI taskbar icon application enables or dis-
ables the ATI taskbar icon. However, this feature must
be enabled for ATI hotkey support.
Click "Advanced" icon for adapter
and setting.
Click "Advanced", into details settings:
Show ATI icon on taskbar adds or removes the ATI icon from the taskbar.
Disable quick resolution feature is accessible by left-clicking the ATI icon in the taskbar.
Reduce DVI frequency on high-resolution displays enables or disables to reduce the DVI
frequency when using high-resolution.